Humility Verse - Month of July
Luke 14:11 - For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled [before others], and he who habitually humbles himself (keeps a realistic self-view) will be exalted.”
Who He is
Who He is - not determined by man, but instead we make an attempt at defining an entity outside of our comprehension - regardless of degree of vocabulary - based on His revelations (things He reveals to us).
who we are
we are His humble servants; created by Him, for Him. This site is simply a way to help others understand Him better, as well as how we can humbly serve together.
Recently Released
Click below for some blog stuff, more articles and see our latest post based on His leading. There will be future updates in this section containing helpful information, links, music, and much more, as He allows.
Living His Message
The Latest
Coming up this Summer:
- Stay tuned... big additions on the way!
From this past February:
- 2/2 - Black College Expo - Los Angeles Convention Center
- 2/16 - Helping Our Community (HOC) - MacArthur Park
- 2/20 - Lightning Strike Vol. 1 Issue 2 Book Signing!!!
Recent Releases:
- Bang da Bang by Gottie, Available NOW! (smarturl - meaning most platforms)
- Tell 'Em by Gottie, Available NOW! (smarturl)
- I Wish by Gottie, Available NOW! (smarturl)
- Do It (For the Name) by Gottie, Available NOW! (smarturl)
- I Know by Gottie, Available NOW! (smarturl)
- Won't He Do It? by Gottie, available NOW! (smarturl)
- Planned (album) by Gottie, available NOW! (smarturl)
- What Did He Say? by Gottie, available NOW! (iTunes)
- What Did He Say? by I.V., available NOW! (Tidal)
- Gnarly (single) by Gottie, available NOW! (smarturl)
- Marcus Newsome interview with That Girl from the Hub Radio!
Since 1993
Why We're Here
This site exists to allow us (all of us humans) to glorify God through our actions. More specifically, as made capable via the volunteers, servants, and members of His Humble Servants, Inc. and you through the various methods of glorification available. Whether social media posts, blogs, vlogs, volunteer events, or merchandise, there is one goal - to glorify God the Father.
As unique as each of us, so is this company, and the methods with which this company uses to God's magnification and glorification. The method of delivery, its perfection, eloquence or grammatical correctness is not on our list of objectives. We are here to reach the world however He leads. With that, please excuse any human error and accept any divine intervention.
Should the Lord lead you to write an article, please see the Contact Us section of the site, where you may submit for review. Call it free advertising for Jesus.

Get INvolved!
Learn how you can help uplift God's kingdom and bring Him glory through your thoughts, words, and actions right where you are.
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As we continue to grow the organization, our communities, and this site, stay up-to-date with our moves by signing up for the newsletter here.